How to form new habits that stick & become a part of your daily routine

Inspired Ink
8 min readFeb 12, 2023

Habits are integral to our daily lives, shaping who we are and how we live. They influence our thoughts, emotions, and actions and can help or hinder our growth and development. That’s why forming new habits is one of the most effective ways to improve ourselves and our lives. But how do we create new habits that stick and become part of our daily routine?

Many people struggle with forming new habits because they don’t understand the process or don’t have the right strategies in place. The good news is that with the right mindset and approach, anyone can form new habits that stick and become part of their daily routine. This article will explore the science behind habits, the role of goal-setting, the importance of starting small, creating a support system, tracking progress, and being flexible and adaptable. Whether you’re looking to improve your health, build better relationships, or achieve your goals, these strategies will help you form new habits that stick and become a part of your daily routine.

Photo by Johnson Wang on Unsplash

Science behind habits

A habit is a repeated behaviour that has become automatic over time. Habits are formed through repetition, and as a result, they require little to no conscious thought or effort…



Inspired Ink

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